How to Save Money With Bulk Mail

Savings depend on how the mail piece is designed and printed.


bulk mail


Bulk mailing is a way for businesses and organizations to save money on postage. The Phoenix Post Office provides discounted postage rates when mail is addressed and prepared to meet certain specifications. Instead of paying 49¢ to mail a letter, businesses can mail the same letter for about 22¢ and in some cases as low as 14¢.

Accurate Mailing uses specialized software and high-speed equipment to prepare your mail according to Post Office rules. Our goal is to mail your cards, letter, flyers, and brochures at the lowest available postage rates.


Standard Bulk Mail

The most common type of bulk mail is called “Standard Class”. (Years ago it was called “3rd Class”.) Most advertising mail, newsletters, etc. are sent using Standard Class. To use Bulk Mail, your mailpieces must be essentially identical in size, weight, and appearance, without any personal information. That means you can’t scribble sticky notes to your friends on various pieces. It also means that you can’t send invoices, statements, and other individual information using Standard Bulk Mail.

But you can send form letters on which you personalize the name and address, so long as the rest of the letter is the same for everyone.


Standard Bulk Postage Rate

There are various levels of savings. It depends on how much of the postal service’s work we are able to do. A good part of the available savings will depend on how the mail piece is designed and printed. That’s why it’s a good idea to discuss your project with us before you print anything.

The Standard Bulk Postage Rate for a typical one-ounce letter (or card, tri-fold, etc.) would range from 19¢ to 27.3¢, compared with 49¢ for regular First Class mail.  When you consider that our fees can be as little as a nickel, it’s easy to see why hundreds of businesses use Accurate’s mail house services.

There are even greater discounts if you’re a nonprofit organization and have received approval from the USPS to mail at nonprofit prices. The nonprofit price for the same piece of mail using Standard Bulk Mail would range from 11.2¢ to 17.2 cents.

The next level of discount depends more on the mail piece design and the nature of the mailing list.  For mailings of many thousands of pieces, going to concentrated areas, the potential savings can be significant. For smaller mailings, going to addresses that are more spread out, it’s not that much.

For example, by adding barcodes to your addresses we might be able to save an additional 2.3¢ per piece, but only if you have at least 150 pieces going to the same 5-digit zip code. And you’ll only save about 0.3¢ per piece if you don’t.

On average, a one-ounce First-Class mail piece will cost 49¢ in postage. The same piece, mailed at Standard Bulk rate will only cost about 23¢ each

Call us Today to see how much we can save you! Call Today: 1-877-433-9101