Yellow Cards

As low as 30¢ Each – Including Postage and Mailing!

  • Mail into any area with our specially sorted list. Reach homes, apts or businesses accurately.
  • Black & Yellow grabs attention like full color postcards at half the price. Works great
  • Includes Printing, Postage, List and Mailing Services. Best internet postcard value!

Simple Yellow Postcards are Advertiser’s Dream!

Now you can get great results from your postcard marketing efforts at a fraction of the usual price. Our Yellow Postcards can save you hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars. Save up to 50% on overall mailing costs and at the same time, increase your response rates!

School Bus WP 300x207 1
Yellow Postcards are simple, affordable and exceptionally effective!

That’s because our postcards use the most powerful color combination in advertising: Black and yellow! When people see those colors it grabs their attention. That’s the reason that traffic signs, school buses, product labels and so many important things are black and yellow. And it’s why Yellow Cards always get a second look and are read more often than other postcards. Just like you keep looking at that school bus to the left.

It just makes sense. When somebody gets a Yellow Postcard in the mail, it’s more likely to get their attention. It’s High Impact at the lowest possible cost.  With a simple design, a solid offer and the right mailing list, you’ll have the best chance of getting a great response from your direct mail.

So, “Don’t just sit there!” …

  • Request a free Direct Mail Guide. We’ll send it right now, in your email. It’s packed with great information that will help you with any direct mail project.
  • Look at our  Online Samples.  Examples of simple designs that work
  • Check-out the Pricing for our Everything Included Mailing Programs
  • Contact Us for more information and a free marketing report for your area.

Call us and we’ll give you an INSTANT QUOTE that includes EVERYTHING (custom design, printing, mailing list, bulk mail and postage) right over the phone.  Our toll-free number is 1-877-433-9101.

Big Yellow Cards: 5.5″ X 8.5″