Nonprofit Bulk Mail Postage Rates and Rules for 2024

Updated: November 24, 2024

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In the world of nonprofit organizations, communication is crucial. Connecting with supporters, raising awareness, and collecting donations can be a continuous challenge. Nonprofit bulk mail is one of the most effective tools to overcome this challenge. Nonprofit Mail, also known as Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail. It is a valuable service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that provides significant cost savings to eligible nonprofit organizations. 

Although Bulk mail can be a cost-effective method for nonprofit organizations, but it’s important to understand the rules and regulations that apply to bulk mail for non-profit organizations. This comprehensive guide on Bulk Mail will explore the nonprofit Bulk mail postage rates and its benefits in 2024. We’ll also answer crucial questions about who can use it, what items qualify, and how to apply for these rates.

Nonprofits bulk mail postage rates

What is Nonprofit Bulk Mail?

Nonprofit Bulk Mail is a program that helps nonprofit organizations save on mailing costs. It’s designed to support nonprofit organizations with tax-exempt status or other eligible nonprofit categories. It allows nonprofits to send a large volume of mail at reduced postage rates, saving valuable resources that can be redirected toward their core initiatives. 

For example, a nonprofit organization that provides education resources to underprivileged communities can utilize Nonprofit Marketing Mail to send large volumes of mail, such as postcards, letters, brochures, fundraising flyers, and donation appeals to potential donors.

By taking advantage of the discounted rates, they can reach a larger audience and raise awareness about their cause within their limited budget. It allows them to effectively communicate their mission and generate support for their educational initiatives, ultimately significantly improving access to education for disadvantaged individuals.  However, it’s important to note that USPS has guidelines regarding the content and purpose of the Mail to ensure it aligns with the organization’s nonprofit mission.

USPS Nonprofit Bulk Mail Eligibility and Rates:

Who is Eligible to Use Nonprofit Bulk Mail?

To be eligible for Nonprofit Bulk Mail rates, an organization must be tax-exempt according to IRS regulations. The IRS typically recognizes organizations under section 501(c)(3) as qualified nonprofits. It’s essential to ensure your organization meets specific USPS criteria for eligibility. Some organizations can get discounted postage rates from the USPS because they are considered nonprofit. However, being a nonprofit for tax purposes doesn’t automatically mean you qualify for these special rates.

The USPS typically considers these types of organizations eligible for nonprofit postage rates:
  1. Agricultural groups
  2. Educational organizations
  3. Fraternal associations
  4. Labor unions
  5. Charitable or philanthropic groups
  6. Religious organizations
  7. Scientific institutions
  8. Veteran’s groups
  9. Qualified Political Committees
  10. State or Local Voter Registration Officials

Who doesn't qualify for nonprofit rates?

  1. Individuals
  2. Business associations
  3. Chambers of Commerce
  4. Social, hobby, or similar clubs
  5. Trade groups
  6. Some political organizations

Note:  Suppose your organization can show that it has been given federal income tax exemption under certain sections like 501(c)(3) for religious, educational, scientific, or charitable groups or 501(c)(5) for agricultural or labor organizations, or 501(c)(8) for fraternal organizations, or 501(c)(19) for veterans’ organizations. In that case, it’s generally considered eligible for the discounted Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail rates. Unless other information shows it doesn’t qualify, this proof is usually enough.

Also, you can find out more if your organization qualifies for bulk mailing permit for nonprofits by filling out and submitting PS Form 3624, the “Application to Mail at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices.” You can get this form online or at your local Post Office.

USPS nonprofit bulk mail application form

What Items Qualify for Nonprofit Bulk Mail Rates?

A variety of items can be mailed at nonprofit bulk mail rates, including
  • Newsletters
  • Brochures
  • Postcards
  • Fundraising appeals
  • Educational materials
  • Event Invitations
  • If your nonprofit mail includes ads, consider checking Publication 417 or contacting the Accurate Mailing Services experts for guidance.

    USPS Nonprofit Postage Rates:

    What are the nonprofit postage rates for 2024?

    The postage rates for Nonprofit Bulk Mail are more affordable compared to standard postage rates. The specific postage rates for 2024 can vary depending on the type of nonprofit mailing and the size and weight of the mailpiece. To obtain accurate rates, it’s best to check or calculate your nonprofit postage costs with USPS for the most up-to-date pricing information.

    Nonprofit postage rates 2024 calculator

    USPS Nonprofit postage rates for 2024 are as follows:

    Mail Type Rate-

    • First-Class Presort Letters: 57.1¢
    • First-Class Presort Flat: $1.245
    • Marketing Mail Letters: 35.6¢
    • Marketing Mail Flats: 92.2¢

    Know About The Rising USPS Costs:

    Nonprofits should keep an eye on USPS Bulk Mail postage rates for 2024 because these rates change every year. To make sure you have the right pricing information, it’s best to check the price directly with USPS. This helps you plan your mailing campaigns effectively.

    Recent and upcoming rate increases from the United States Postal Service (USPS) are a concern, especially for nonprofit organizations that rely on mail services. These rate increases began in July 2023 and will continue into January 2024, affecting nonprofits and all mailers. First, let’s take a closer look at the numbers. The rate increases in July 2023 included:

    • 4.8% increase for first-class letters, bringing the cost to $0.66.
    • A 5.6% increase for first-class presort letters (automation), raising the rate to $0.561.
    • A whopping 15.5% increase for first-class presort flats (automation), reaching $1.234 for the first ounce.
    • Nonprofit Marketing Mail saw its rates increase by 6.1% for letters and 10.3% for flats.

    The most recent rate increases in January 2024 included:

    • A 3% increase for first-class letters, reaching $0.68.
    • A 2% increase for first-class presort letters (automation), up to $0.571.
    • A slight 0.5% increase for first-class presort flats, hitting $1.245 for the first ounce.
    • Nonprofit Marketing Mail will experience a 1% increase for letters and a 3.3% increase for flats.

    Impact of Rising USPS Costs on Nonprofits:

    1. USPS postage rate changes have put extra financial pressure on nonprofit organizations because nonprofits depend on direct mail to raise money and communicate.

    2. Nonprofits have to pay more for sending important stuff through First-Class Mail. It’s tough for them.
    3. Nonprofits using automation-friendly mail also face higher costs because of these rate changes.
    4. Nonprofits sending big, flat mail saw their costs go way up with the rate hikes for first-class presort flats (automation).
    5. Nonprofits often use Nonprofit Marketing Mail to reach out and raise money. These changes make it more expensive to connect with supporters and donors.
    6. These rate changes will keep going until January 2024, and rates will likely go up more.
    7. To deal with these higher postage costs, nonprofits might need to change their plans. They could send mail less often, use more digital communication, or find cheaper ways to mail.
    8. Nonprofits need to monitor USPS rate changes and make smart plans for their mailings to avoid problems.
    9. Adapting to these higher postage costs is crucial for nonprofits to keep up their good work and help their communities.

    How to Apply to Use Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail

    To take advantage of the cost savings offered by Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail, organizations need to follow these 4 steps:

    1. Verify Your Nonprofit Status

    To qualify for Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail rates, you need 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can verify your nonprofit status by visiting the IRS website and searching for your organization’s name in the Exempt Organizations Select Check (EO Select Check) database.

    2. Obtain a Nonprofit Authorization (NPA) Number

    After confirming your nonprofit status, you can request an NPA number from the USPS. You have three options: online, by phone, or by mail. As part of your application, you must submit proof of your nonprofit status. This may include a copy of your IRS Form 990 or a letter from the IRS that certifies your organization’s tax-exempt status.

    3. Adhere to USPS Guidelines

    Once you have an NPA number, follow USPS guidelines for preparing and mailing Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail. These guidelines cover things like sorting, addressing, and labeling your mailings. You can find detailed USPS guidelines for Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail on the USPS website.

    4. Pay Reduced Postage Rates

    To pay the reduced postage rates for Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail, you must use a USPS Postage Meter or apply for a USPS Business Mail Account. Once you have a postage meter or business mail account, you can purchase Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail postage online, by phone, or at a USPS Post Office.

    Here are some additional tips for applying to use Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail:

    • Keep your NPA number up to date. Your NPA number is valid for two years. If you do not mail at least once during that time, your NPA number will expire, and you will need to reapply.
    • Follow all USPS guidelines for preparing and mailing Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail. If your mailings do not meet USPS guidelines, they may be delayed or returned.

    Bulk Mail Rules for Nonprofits:

    Bulk Mail Rules for Nonprofits:

    To maintain eligibility for nonprofit bulk mail rates, nonprofit organizations must comply with USPS regulations:

    1. Size and Weight Restrictions: Nonprofit bulk mail pieces must meet specific size and weight restrictions USPS sets. These restrictions ensure that the mail is processed efficiently and does not exceed USPS guidelines.

    2. Proper Labeling and Addressing: According to USPS guidelines, bulk mail must be labeled and addressed correctly. This includes using automation-compatible formats to expedite the sorting and delivery process.
    3. Guidelines for Automation-Compatible Mailings: Nonprofits are encouraged to follow USPS guidelines. Automation-compatible mailings receive further postage discounts and are processed more efficiently.
    4. Fundraising appeals: Nonprofit bulk mailings used to raise funds must be clear and upfront about the purpose of the mailing. Nonprofit organizations must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing fundraising.

    Nonprofit Organization Obligations -

    Nonprofit organizations must fulfill certain obligations to maintain their eligibility for nonprofit bulk mail rates:
    1. Maintaining Accurate Mailing Lists: Nonprofits should regularly update and maintain accurate mailing lists. This includes removing duplicates, correcting addresses, and eliminating recipients who have opted out or are no longer relevant.

    2. Providing Timely Updates to USPS: Nonprofits are responsible for providing timely updates to USPS regarding any changes in their mailing lists, organization status, or other relevant information.

    3. Adhering to Privacy and Data Protection Regulations: Nonprofits must adhere to privacy and data protection regulations when handling recipient information. This includes respecting opt-out requests and complying with data privacy laws to safeguard recipients’ information.
    4. Political content: Nonprofit bulk mailings cannot contain political content. This includes any content that promotes or opposes a candidate for political office.
    Compliance with these rules and obligations ensures that nonprofit bulk mail remains a cost-effective and efficient communication method for nonprofit organizations while maintaining USPS’s high mailing standards.

    Benefits of Nonprofit Bulk Mailing:

    Using nonprofit bulk mailing provides several advantages for nonprofit organizations:

    • Savings on Costs: The most important benefit is saving money. Nonprofit bulk mail rates are much cheaper than regular postage rates. This means nonprofits can use more of their budget for their main programs and projects.
    • Reaching More People: The lower postage rates allow nonprofits to connect with a larger audience. This is especially useful for fundraising, inviting people to events, and making more people aware of their cause.
    • Encouragement for Bulk Mailings: The nonprofit bulk mail rate encourages nonprofit organizations to use bulk mail as a communication tool. It’s an easy and affordable way to reach people, helping nonprofits achieve their goals more effectively.

    How to Save Money Through Nonprofit Bulk Mailing?

    If you want to save money on nonprofit bulk mailing, look no further than Accurate Mailing Services. Since 2000, we’ve handled millions of direct mail pieces for our clients, whether they have minimum orders of as little as 500 or larger quantities. We make sending nonprofit mail a hassle-free, efficient process that meets all USPS requirements. Also, we have special USPS permits for lower nonprofit rates, helping you cut costs.
     Here’s how we can assist you in saving money on nonprofit bulk mailing:
    1. Design and Printing: We can handle the process of designing, printing, and mailing your materials, which is the first step to saving money on nonprofit bulk mailing. To make things even more efficient, we use smart machines for folding, inserting, sealing, tabbing, and sorting your mail, saving you valuable time and effort. If you already have your materials ready, simply hand them over to us, and we’ll handle the mailing part, ensuring they meet all nonprofit mailing requirements.

    2. Following USPS Rules: Our experts will ensure that your mail follows all the USPS rules and guidelines for nonprofit mailings. This is crucial to qualify for reduced nonprofit postage rates.

    3. Customization: We can personalize your mailings, print labels, directly imprint on envelopes, and make sure each piece has the right person’s name. This personalization can enhance your nonprofit mail’s impact and effectiveness.

    4. Efficiency: Using our services from design to mailing can help you save time and resources, avoiding errors that can occur when working with multiple vendors. This streamlined approach ensures that your nonprofit mailings are efficient and cost-effective.

    At Accurate Mailing Services, we understand the importance of saving on nonprofit mailing costs while ensuring that your messages reach the right people. We take pride in being a part of the select group of Seamless-certified mailers, and we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your nonprofit mailing goals while minimizing costs.


    In conclusion, Nonprofit Bulk Mail is a valuable resource for eligible nonprofit organizations looking to connect with their supporters and the community while maintaining cost-efficiency. By aligning with USPS guidelines and leveraging this budget-friendly mailing option, nonprofit organizations can enhance their reach and concentrate on their crucial missions for making a positive difference in the world.

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