Folding and Tabbing Direct Mail

folding and tabbing

Printed pieces that require folding and are mailed without being in an envelope are generally called self-mailers. Self-mailers are used to save money on printing and inserting costs and provide direct marketing material in a format that is unique and easy for recipients to see.

While they can be effective marketing pieces, the post office requires that when folding pieces that they are assembled in specific ways in order to get bulk mail discounts. Recent changes by the post office have added complexity regarding the requirements for folding and tabbing. Please talk to us before you go to press to save money on postage.

The Post Office requires ALL folded self-mailers to be sealed in some fashion in order to claim bulk mail discounts. The most common method of doing so is to use wafer seals, often referred to as tabs.

Accurate Mailing will provide and apply the tabs to your mail piece as required.  Most single sheets folded mailers will require two tabs. Designing your folded piece correctly can increase the ‘open’ rate and reduce your processing costs. Special rules apply to any mail piece that has bound pages or uses staples to stitch the pages together.

Call us today or send in your request for a complete estimate. You’ll be glad you did! 1-877-433-9101

Read More: Tabbing For Bound or Stapled Pieces