We Welcome Small Quantity Mailings Too!

We Welcome Small Quantity Mailings Too!

Small businesses often do small quantity mailings. Unfortunately, this can be seen as a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with direct mailing services. That is because many mailing services are looking only for big volume jobs and don’t want to be “bothered” with the small quantity mailings. This becomes obvious when you take look at a mailing house’s minimum order charge.  

The other day a new client told me that another mailing company had actually said they prefer not to do mailing orders less than 20,000 pieces and that their prices reflected this policy. The client was relieved to hear that we at Accurate Mailing have no such policy.

We welcome the many projects that we do for all types of business, and we appreciate every job – big or small.

See our Direct Mailing Services

Small Quantity Mailings Can Have a Big Impact

Many small business owners don’t realize that most of the direct mail techniques that large companies use are affordable at the lower quantities that they might need. Response increasing upgrades like personalized letters, full-color postcards, and uniquely folded mail pieces are all available without significant increases in cost. Postage-saving barcodes are also available for small quantity mailing. These advantages allow the mail from smaller companies to appear just as credible and professional as what the big companies might be mailing. Direct mail is one area where small and large companies can compete head-to-head on a level playing field, and Accurate Mailing Services is an equal opportunity mailing service provider.

Minimum Quantities of Commercial Business Mailing Needed to Qualify for Postage Discounts:

  • 500 pieces for First-Class Mail.
  • 200 pieces (or 50 pounds of mail) for USPS Marketing Mail.
  • 50 pieces for Parcel Select.
  • 300 pieces for Presorted or Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter.
  • 300 pieces for Library Mail.
  • 300 pieces for Media Mail.

The important thing is that your mailing, regardless of size, is processed affordably and in a timely manner. While we can accommodate mailings of almost any quantity, we will not set aside a small project in order to get the larger one out. Because behind every job that we do is a client that expects their mail to be delivered – regardless of the size of the project.

Here at Accurate Mailing Services, we do our best to give you the best mailing, no matter the size.

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