Getting Started With a Direct Mail House

Working with a direct mail house like Accurate Mailing Services can make the job of mailing easier and cheaper for your business. But you’ll still have to participate in the process and there are a number of things you should be aware of.

The Bulk Mailing Project

A bulk mailing project requires the merging of several different processes. The mailing list, printing, postage and post office requirements must all be considered to fully take advantage of the available cost savings. This article will touch upon the high points of those areas and help you to have a successful direct mail campaign and an easier time working with Accurate Mailing or any mail house.

Step 1. The Mailing List

The best place to begin is with the mailing list. Your mailing list will have an impact on almost every part of your direct mail project. The cleaner your list is the smoother your project will flow through the system.  A good direct mail house can help you with that but it’s important that focus on your list before you get too deep into the other areas – especially budgeting. The printing quantity, the postage discounts, data enhancements, and the marketing effectiveness are all affected by the quality of the mailing list.

If you’re supplying a list, send it to the direct mail house, Accurate Mailing Services, so that one of our data experts can examine it for mailing suitability and remove duplicates. We’ll also standardize the addresses and sort it to the post office mailing standards. The net mailing quantity will be used for estimating postage and other costs.

You can also mail to one of our quality mailing lists. A professional direct mail house will offer accurate mailing lists. We offer up-to-date consumer and business information at the lowest possible prices.

Just request a Free Mailing List Report to see how many addresses are available in your marketing area.

Step2: Choose the Mail Format

Now that you know the “who”, it’s time to choose the “what”. The type of mail you send affects the cost. We recommend using formats like postcard mailers and flyers. These are cheap and efficient to produce, making it easier and cheaper to bulk mail them. This is because the bigger & more complex the piece of mail, the more expensive it will be to print and ship. Fortunately, we can mail almost any piece of mail for you at bulk rates.

If you’re on a tight budget, our Big Yellow Card program is effective in a variety of situations. We can discuss the mail piece anytime you wish.  With a mailing list and a mailing format decided upon, we can determine the pricing for your project. We’ll provide you with a complete written estimate, detailing the printing and mailing services with separate figures for the estimated postage. At this point, you can decide whether or not to move forward with the project.

You will also need to decide on a design for the mail. You can do this yourself, hire a designer, or work with us. We offer custom design services starting at $55/hr. If you decide to do it yourself or with a designer, be sure to make solid choices. These include:

  •         Clear and Beautiful Typography
  •         Instill Urgency in Response
  •         Make the Deal Seem Exclusive
  •         Professional and Clear Format
  •         Concise and Convincing Content
  •         Pictures That Grab Attention

Designing a piece with these points in mind will give you the best chance of a return on investment. If you don’t want to do it yourself, we’re more than happy to do it for you

Now you’ve got your mail, and you need to get it sent out to your mailing list. See the next steps

Remember that free list reports and instant estimates are available to you upon request. As always, when you have questions, please call us, toll-free at 1-877-433-9101.

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