Even Google Uses Direct Mail to sell AdWords!

There might be a battle brewing – AdWords vs. Direct Mail. For those who believe that email and the internet will be the answer to your advertising woes,  Google knows differently.

Their direct mail piece came across my desk the other day; offering us $100 credit if we signed up for AdWords, Google’s online advertising program. And yes, they used the color yellow to draw attention to the offer. While there may be an irony in the worlds largest internet search engine / advertising company using direct mail, Google knows that nothing can target a market better than direct mail. Not radio, not TV, not newspapers and not even AdWords!


Google Uses Direct Mail to sell AdWords


Google Uses Direct Mail to sell AdWords

Google Uses Direct Mail to sell AdWords



As of several weeks ago I  have now received four direct mail offers from Google. Roughly one a month over a four month period. Probably more like every six weeks which is an old advertising trick for annual campaigns to make it seem like one a month.

They obviously know the power of multiple impressions but because they mailed all four in the campaign, and didn’t stop at 3, there is an argument that it probably worked for them. Who knows who will win in the battle of Google AdWords Vs. Direct Mail. Overall, I’ll bet that direct mail will hold up just fine.

You might not have Google’s budget but chances are Direct Mail will work for you.Call us for a consultation and let’s talk about it. If it’s not for you, I have a couple of Google coupons you might be interested in.


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