How to find new customers

So you have to find new customers. Where the heck could they be hiding? So here’s what to do to find new customers .

Get your hands on a Zip Code map and three crayons. If you don’t have a map call me. You can steal the crayons from one of your kids. They don’t cry for too long.

Now gather up your invoices or open up the program program that you use. Make a list of the most active Zip Codes.  Do a stick tally if you must. It’s boring but do it anyway. Remember, we’re going to find new customers.

Now locate  the top three Zip Codes that your current customers come from. Now get that Zip Code map and one of the crayons. A red one will work just fine. Find those top three Zip Codes on the map and color them in. Just color them lightly and stay inside the lines. Your kids will be grading you.

Now find the next three most active Zip Codes and do the same thing. But use a different color this time and don’t press too hard. Do it for the last three Zip Codes and then hold the paper up to the light. You can see your work better. There they are. Hopefully you see a pattern. For most businesses there will be a primary Zip Code and two others. But not always. More on that in a later post. For now let’s assume that the typical pattern emerged. That’s where your new customers will come from. Yep, they’ll come from the same place that your old customers came from. Funny, isn’t it? Why would that be so?

It might be proximity. Proximity is a primary motivator when people make a decision to buy something or use a service. Even if they’re looking for a plummer they will try to find one that’s closest to them. Those trip charges are a killer, you know.

Then again it might be demographics. You’ve heard the old saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together’? People of similar age, and income have a tendency to live in the same neighborhood. And they have similar needs.

After this exercise, it might be obvious to you that direct mail would be the best way to reach out for new customers. That’s where a mailing list and bulk mail services can be helpful. Funny thing, that’s exactly what we do!

Call Accurate Mailing Services to find out how many new customers you might have hiding in those areas what it will take to reach them. 1-877-433-9101. You should have a crayon handy to write down the number. 

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