Political Advertising: 5 Reasons to Choose Direct Mail for your Campaign

Whatever your goal is – reminding people to vote, announcing an endorsement, or sharing why you’re the right choice – political direct mail can help you win.

With political mail, you can continue to build support up until election day. You’ve already campaigned and spread the word, but now you need to close the deal. To do this, you can use direct mail, which is a fast and cost-effective way to get your name, face, and message in front of voters. If you’re looking to reach voters in a way digital marketing can’t alone, political mail is a must-have for your campaign.

Whatever your goal is – reminding people to vote, announcing an endorsement, or sharing why you’re the right choice – political direct mail can help you win. As part of a multi-channel marketing strategy, political mail enables you to reach the audience you want. You can control the timing of the mail, allowing you to send a reminder postcard day before the election. You also can integrate political mail with digital marketing efforts to reach voters whether they prefer print or digital mail.

What Can Political Advertising Do For You?

Here are a few reasons to choose political advertising:

1. Introduce yourself to voters

As a political candidate, you have to introduce yourself to voters. In a political campaign, you want your name, face, and message remembered. A well-written and designed piece of political mail can do that. It will draw the reader’s eye with a picture of the candidate and their name, attaching an image to the name and vice versa to make it more memorable. If the message is well-written and engaging, they are more likely to remember it.

2. Target specific voters

Direct mail is cost-effective because you can target specific people or groups to receive your ads. With exceptional interaction rates, you can also be sure that you’re maximizing your budget by only targeting high-potential voters.

Targeted mail targets specific groups or individuals rather than just mailing everyone. The people are usually gathered in a mailing list based on information like previous voting records. This allows you to choose people who are more likely to vote or who are on the fence. By choosing who you message, you increase the response rate and save money because less mail is ignored. You can also personalize the mail, taking advantage of digital integrations to leave a better impression. Targeted mail is more expensive but more efficient, and is great for convincing voters.

Read also Political Mail: Your Hidden Ace Card

3. Integrate digital and direct mail

Digital and physical advertising complement each other well. You can integrate digital marketing and direct mail to expand your reach. Link personalized website URLs on your mail, include social media pages on your mail, and more. This invites voters to learn more about you, find information and makes it easy to track results from direct mail.

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4. Red tag special treatment

Like Email, political advertising as mail can be scheduled for delivery on the date that you want when it is processed as “red tag” mail. Red tag political mail is mail that receives special expedited handling by the USPS. The bulks of mail receive a red tag on the container, tray, or another form of storage, causing it to be treated as First Class mail. This cuts down processing time, allowing you to get mail delivered on your schedule.

5. Political mail is cost-effective

We can help you create and distribute effective political mail without blowing your budget or alerting your competition. With our many years of experience printing direct mail, we’re able to cut down expenses and pass the savings onto you. An example of this is gang printing, which involves using as much of a paper sheet as possible for larger or different projects, lowering the cost of production. We can implement this gang printing so that fewer materials are required to create your mail, and we’ll ensure you receive the bulk postage rate when it comes time to mail.

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